As you may have noticed, last weekend was Mother’s Day weekend.  Let it be known to the entirety of the internet that my mom is the freaking coolest. 😉 However she’s not real into getting her picture taken, so I found a way to complete this challenge without making her sit down and put on makeup and deal with my usual sad attempt at Glamourshots wanna be photography.  I also made her a coffee. So there’s that too.

Dad bought her roses this weekend. So he wins an award for that. Mom loves flowers, so she put them in different vases and hid them around the house where the cats wouldn’t find them.  (The black cat likes to eat anything made of foliage and then puke it up in random places. I doubt cat barf would smell like roses no matter how many of them he ate.)

Single rose in a glass
Closeup shot because I can, and I liked the texture.

Back in the day when I was littler (younger, but not necessarily any shorter…) I had to go to the doctor for shots. Fun fact: this is my least favorite thing in the entire world and I would pretty much pitch a massive shitfit every time.  To make me feel better mom would essentially bribe my silence with presents.  Fun fact: this still works today. If you need my help burying a body, all you have to do is buy me a coffee… or an entire espresso machine, depending on how deep of a hole you want dug… Anyway, mom bought me this little frog beanie baby and I think I held onto it every time I was sick or had to get a shot.  He may have even made an appearance last year when I was in my motorcycle wreck. (I honestly don’t remember.. that was rough!) It’s funny how a silly little stuffed frog can remind me of so much.

Feel better froggy.

As a side note, froggy is sitting in a tub of sewing supplies.  Despite being pretty much the worst “girl” ever, I do actually know how to sew.  I lump that under “general fabrication skills” and am therefore ok with it. Mom taught me how to sew and we still sew together sometimes.  So thanks for the skillset mom!

