The weatherman promised all week that this weekend was going to be a beautifully sunny 70 degrees for all three days.  Turns out it was 70-ish, but nowhere near sunny and it rained for two of them.  >:( The moral of the story is that there is literally NO sunshine to use to create a shadow to fulfill this challenge.  Time to get creative!

Last month Jason and I took the boat up to the San Juan islands and brought our two cats along.  One of them is black and is notoriously hard to see, even when he’s sitting right next to you.  I will occasionally text my friends a photo of a random part of the house with the hashtag #findthecat.  He will always be there somewhere, but he’s super hard to find.  The same thing happened on the boat.  There are so many dark little nooks and crannies on the boat.  That, along with the black upholstery meant that we frequently “lost” the cat.  This amused me so much that I did a series of little sketches of the various antics he got up to on the boat.  Enjoy!

Hiding on the top bunk among the towels…
Even just regular shadows are enough.
We even have matching black pillows… but one is fluffier than the others…
Nothing but big green eyes in the darkness.
We also have a black sofa. He was only visible because the yellow diamond pattern stopped.

Eventually I ran out of inspiration for the many places this car could hide and started documenting the rest of the shenanigans!  They were very entertaining to watch!

They were both very curious as to what was inside the hole in the deck…
I did let them outside a bit. Dart saw the water, realized it had him surrounded, and hightailed it back inside!
Pictures cannot describe how awkward this cat was on the really steep stairs down to the main cabin.
I don’t know why they thought they had to dig around that long… but there it is.
Some more random sketches. The grey cat is done in blue because I don’t have a grey marker.