So if you’ll remember a few posts ago I showed some photos with my shiny new dive housing and strobes for my camera? I finally got to use those in some clear water with actual subjects in it! 🙂 Photos aren’t the best because I’m still learning, but here they are!

Our dive site today in Roatan was called ‘Ventana al Valle’ and, as advertised, looked out into a large underwater valley that I couldn’t capture with my 90mm macro lens on my camera. 😉

A thing with circles
A thing with circles
Almost iridescent tube dealio
Almost iridescent tube dealio
Three tiny shrimp inside anemones.
Three tiny shrimp inside anemones.
I didn't get the little critter in focus.
I didn’t get the little critter in focus.
Tiny  blue fish and brain coral
Tiny blue fish and brain coral
crusty critter
crusty critter
Very attractive sea slug (not)
Very attractive sea slug (not)
yellow tube things
yellow tube things
Macro of brain coral
Macro of brain coral
I have no idea what this is
I have no idea what this is
Weird spiral thing
Weird spiral thing
I'll have to google what this thing is. It's neato!
I’ll have to google what this thing is. It’s neato!
This is what happens when you have too slow of a shutter speed under water. It looks like it belongs on Instagram...
This is what happens when you have too slow of a shutter speed under water. It looks like it belongs on Instagram…

Apparently I need to take some time to look up the names of all of these little critters. Otherwise they will continue to be labeled by color and either “thingie” or “dealio”, as applicable. 😉