I actually managed to survive 2016 despite its best efforts to kill me and everyone that I love.  Which means that it’s again time to make a giant list of new year’s resolutions that I may or may not keep.  However I love making lists, so why not at least make an effort? One of my resolutions this year is to do a weekly photo challenge because, let’s face it, I don’t have the attention span for one photo a day and I work long hours, so it’s not going to happen.  One a week though? Hell, lets give it a shot!


So the first week is “Resolution”.  Isn’t that fitting? I suppose my very first goal this year is to actually stick to my goals for once and not get distracted by something shiny or funny cat videos halfway through the year.

This is accurate most of the time
This is accurate most of the time

My second resolution is the very unoriginal ‘get back into shape’.  I haven’t really been able to do much of anything for the past few months due to the stupid motorcycle crash, so now that I can actually do something besides mope and whine (I wholeheartedly apologize to my friends and family) I plan on getting shit done!  I’m really into bicycling right now, so I took a few shots of my road bike shoes.



These shots were inspired by colored gel strobe portraits commonly seen in fashion shoots.  I don’t have strobes (or a flash unit at all actually…) but I recently needed a pair of flood lights for a boat project and just happened to buy two of these that have multiple colored options built in.  Thinking ahead! It’s a fun effect to play with.  Someday I’m going to use it on an actual human. (looking at you, Jessica!)

After I got bored of shooting my shoes, I used the lights to take some photos of the crescent wrench that for some reason is in my exercise room. Photography is nothing more than creative uses of shapes and lighting…




I also recently bought a fatbike.  (yay! although to be fair this was months ago…) It’s super fun to ride, but it’s meant for snow! …and while we’ve gotten more snow this year than the past 6 years, it’s still not really enough to make use of this bad boy. So I really want to make a trek up to the mountains and ride around in the fresh powder!  Obviously in addition to riding my normal mountain bike more often and not punking out because it’s cold or dark or any other bullshit excuse I come up with.

see? snow!
see? snow!
Legit flakes
Legit flakes
Jason playing on his bike in the snow
Jason playing on his bike in the snow
why be a responsible adult if you don't have to?
why be a responsible adult if you don’t have to?
He's a neighborhood menace!
He’s a neighborhood menace!

I suppose I’ve now committed to 52 weeks of photos! Wish me luck!







