Someday I’ll get caught up with my photo challenge…but not this week, unfortunately. I signed on to this thing with the thought that it would keep me motivated to go out once a week and take well thought out photos, try new techniques, or explore new places. Honestly, I’m usually too busy for that much effort.  Photography isn’t my only hobby and working 10 hours a week really cuts into the “good lighting” time.  I suppose I’ve made it through June, so I have to keep going now, right?

Excuses aside, this week’s challenge is “face.”  Since Jason and I went to Seattle on Monday I snagged a few photos that I think fit the theme.

Outside the ferry terminal and shipyard in Bremerton.
Quick snap walking under a bridge in Seattle. Miracle I got it in the photo at all.
Ubiquitous graffiti.
Seattle Art Museum
Detail of the Seattle Art Museum guy
Seattle Coffee! I honed in on this one pretty quickly, although I didn’t get any coffee.
Creepy bear painted along the street.
I don’t know what to think about this one… but it did make me stop and look at it.