Really excited for the weekend so I can finally take pictures outside and with sunlight.  I leave for work at 6 in the morning and don’t get home until almost 6 so it’s dark when I leave and dark when I get back. It’s also freezing outside, so that limits shenanigans as well. Which is why all of my photos so far are from inside the comfort of my house. 😉 I just realized that this challenge was to finish out November… which is pretty much next week.  I need to get moving if I’m going to finish this! It’s been way more fun than I thought it would be and I feel like it’s made me a little more creative, which is always encouraged.

On to the photos!

Day 5 - Self Portrait
Day 5 – Self Portrait

Self portraits are hard! There’s a reason I usually hide behind a camera.. and I almost tripped over all the metal on the garage floor every time I scampered over to the truck after pressing the shutter and having that pesky timer countdown… (note to self: clean garage soon!)  I don’t think this photo makes a whole lot of sense… I had the bandana on because I was going to start grinding on the firewall after I was done… but then I grabbed the hammer mostly because it was red and I wanted to hold something and look “tough”.

Self portrait - take 2
Self portrait – take 2

This is more like what I usually look like…. “but WHYYYYYY isn’t the truck done yet!??!”

Moving on to something way easier:

Day 6 - Food
Day 6 – Food

Looky! Food! I like that stuff a lot… Just some garlic I had laying on the counter… I meant to be more creative, but I’m tired. It’ll ward the vampires away from my blog. 😉

Later in the day I took these:

Day 7 - Handwriting
Day 7 – Handwriting

This is from a book I found at the thrift store titled “Handmade Homes” by Boericke and Shapiro.  I wonder if Ted and Zizi ever got their little cabin?  Picked up the little book because my friend Meghan over at Adventure Wolf is currently building a tiny house.


Page from the book
Page from the book

Actually a really interesting book. Lots of handmade details and interesting homes that people have made.  You don’t get that anymore our cookie cutter neighborhoods…

Day 8 - Silhouette
Day 8 – Silhouette

Interesting glass vase with sea glass I picked up at the beach. Also I need to wash my kitchen window.

Day 9 - Animal/Pet
Day 9 – Animal/Pet

Seeing as I didn’t go visit the zoo today, I get to take pictures of my cats for this one.  My black cat is useless at letting me take photos of him. Also my racist camera refuses to autofocus on him because he’s essentially a giant fluffy black blob of hairball.  Fortunately for me my other cat is a camera ham.  I caught him in the middle of an overly-dramatic yawn of boredom.

Day 10 - Color Yellow
Day 10 – Color Yellow

It was at this point that I realized how little yellow I have in my house. Luckily I found this little skull I bought on a business trip to San Diego.  ….along with Long Way Round by Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman. Excellent TV series and also, obviously, a book. This is the one time where the TV show is better than the book. The book was an afterthought. Buy the DVD, you won’t regret it.

Day 11 - Someone you love
Day 11 – Someone you love

Jason didn’t really want me to put him on my blog and I’m not feeling creative enough to make a silhouette/sunglasses/whatever so I just took a picture of his butt because it’s one of my favorite things. 😉 I’m probably going to get yelled at for this one… 😉

Day 12 - Black and White
Day 12 – Black and White

Early morning sun shining onto a framed array of arrowheads in the living room.  This piece was in my parent’s house for as long as I’ve been alive.  They brought it to me last time they drove up.  Apparently my mom arranged and matted the arrowheads.  I still don’t know where they came from. I’ll have to ask her sometime.