I originally traded my trusty Canon 60D for a new Sony A7 with the thought that it would be smaller and lighter… and that I would just use the kit lens and only have to carry around the one lens for a super lightweight travel photo setup.  But, like almost all of my plans, that didn’t work out.  A week ago I purchased a quality preowned wide-angle lens courtesy of Craigslist.  It’s gigantic and possibly made of depleted uranium, but it sure is fun as hell to shoot. 😉 Here are some shots from around town to get back into the swing of using an ultrawide.

I started my adventure at Banner Forest 5 minutes up the road from my house. It was getting dark, but luckily you can’t really tell!

Path through the trees
Path through the trees
Side shot
Side shot
Looking up
Looking up
Parking area is that way.
Parking area is that way.
Our truck! Can't wait to take this thing to a car show!
Our truck! Can’t wait to take this thing to a car show!

We also stopped by the Harper Pier to check out the water quality.

Marine bling
Marine bling

I suppose this is slightly off topic, but since this is MY blog, I’m going to post them anyway.  I’ve been experimenting with ways to take macro photos without purchasing an actual macro lens.  Amazon provided a set of “close up” filters (essentially magnifying glasses that thread onto the end of the lens…).  This lovely, and quite colorful dead fly appeared on the ground and the rest is history. Yes, I realize it’s slightly morbid and weird but, again, MY blog, my rules!

So shiny!
So shiny!
Fly on the wall. Actually it was a piece of printer paper on the kitchen table.
Fly on the wall. Actually it was a piece of printer paper on the kitchen table.