Lake Crescent is a beautiful lake up on the Olympic Peninsula known for its crystal clear water.  Up until now I’ve really only been scuba diving in the relatively murky Puget Sound, so Jason and I loaded up all the dive stuff and headed up north to go diving in some clear water for a change! We’ve been up here before in the winter and I believe I remember the water being slightly more clear, but it was still so much more visibility than I’m used to. I’ll take it! This dive was complicated by the fact that it was a Saturday in summer and it was super hot outside…which means that everyone brought their kids to the lake to swim. There were SO MANY people. We were very lucky to get a parking spot! Either way, it was a fun dive.

Looking up
Looking up
Jason by the first drop off
Jason by the first drop off
The algae and blue water make it look like the dive we did in Iceland
The algae and blue water make it look like the dive we did in Iceland
There's a big tree
There’s a big tree
Where is he going?
Where is he going?
Jason swam under the tree
Jason swam under the tree
Along the bottom
Along the bottom
Diver in the abyss
Diver in the abyss
Large boulders scattered about
Large boulders scattered about
Small rocks too
Small rocks too



Jason perched on a rock
Jason perched on a rock


Follow the string around
Follow the string around


At this point I let Jason play with my camera because I never get any photos of myself! So that was fun.  As usual… I don’t know what to do with my hands!

I'm flying!
I’m flying!
See mom? I'm diving!
See mom? I’m diving!
So stealthy!
So stealthy!
Back up towards the surface
Back up towards the surface
Jason in the eelgrass
Jason in the eelgrass
Tree by the edge of the drop
Tree by the edge of the drop