I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Yokosuka before and since this was the last stop in our 3 week work-sponsored adventure, I really didn’t feel like wandering around after work to take photos.  Which is a bit of a shame, since I’ve decided Yokosuka is one of my favorite places to do just that.  The string of bars and shops outside the Navy base is fascinating.  Someday I will bring a macro lens and really try to capture all of the little details that I love so much.  (peeling paint, graffiti, stickers, rust, etc…) Ohwell, maybe next time.  I spent most of this trip relaxing, editing photos from the previous weeks, and finishing up my Christmas shopping. (Yes, I’m one of *those* people…)

Regardless, here are a few of the photos I managed to motivate myself to take around Yokosuka. I promise to do better next time. 🙂

Pink bicycle
Pink bicycle
Man walking by closed shops
Man walking by closed shops
More shopping
More shopping
Dusk in the city
Dusk in the city
Cracked glass window
Cracked glass window
My favorite wall in Yokosuka for some reason
My favorite wall in Yokosuka for some reason
Sunrise from my hotel room
Sunrise from my hotel room