It turns out we stayed at the beach taking photos longer than we anticipated.  Our goal for today was to drive the entire Reykjanes Peninsula… but we didn’t actually make it that far around (not even close…).  The sun was setting and it was time to begin heading back home.  We could either go back the way we came.. or take a rather sketchy looking road up and over a mountain. Jason, obviously, chose the shady looking one with ice all over it.

However, I suppose I should give Jason some  credit.  The road wasn’t that bad (yet…more on that later) and we ended up at the Krisuvik hot springs and Seltun geothermal area. Why do research when you can just let locations like this surprise you? 😉

Up on top of the plateau
Up on top of the plateau
Boiling pools of mud and sulphur
Boiling pools of mud and sulphur
Nice of them to put the path in there
Nice of them to put the path in there











Boiling mud
Boiling mud
Yeah, it smelled terrible.
Yeah, it smelled terrible.
Pretty fascinating hike
Pretty fascinating hike
I made a panorama! Didn't know my camera would do that.
I made a panorama! Didn’t know my camera would do that.

We finished our little excursion and carefully made our way over the icy path to the car lest we fall into the boiling mud pits that look suspiciously like something out of Jurassic Park… just as the sun was setting underneath the clouds. Epic sunset.






At this point we’re committed to taking this road because backtracking would take for-ev-er… However this road goes up pretty steep from here on out. It was also extremely icy, full of switchbacks and next to a cliff that goes off into a lake. Excellent. :/ The lake was really pretty though.


There were whitecaps on the lake due to the wind...
There were whitecaps on the lake due to the wind…
Sunset over the switchbacks...
Sunset over the switchbacks…
I was very thankful for studded tires...
I was very thankful for studded tires…
View on the way back to Reykjavik
View on the way back to Reykjavik
Not a bad sunset overall.
Not a bad sunset overall.
Big clouds.
Big clouds.