We spent a fantastic week in Reykjavik, Iceland eating amazing food (mostly hot dogs, but also fish soup and a lamb shank) and exploring the country side, but we weren’t about to stick around in the same place the entire 2 weeks!  I booked us a tiny cabin in the country for the second half of our trip.  We checked out of our hotel right after breakfast and had the entire day to make our way out to the cabin.  It just so happened that you can choose to take a small detour and go right through the golden circle on the way to the cabin. Since the weather, admittedly, was terrible the first time we tried to visit, we wanted to go back and try again hopefully without getting frostbite. Boy am I glad that we did! The clouds cleared up to a beautiful pink sunrise over the snow and it was glorious!

Delicate pink lighting
Delicate pink lighting
No clouds!
No clouds!
The moon is still up.
The moon is still up.
trees in a row
trees in a row
Valleys full of snow
Thingvellir Lake
Sunrise over the lake
Sunrise over the lake
Our little Dacia in the snow
Our little Dacia in the snow
Icy water
Icy water





Crack in the rocks
Crack in the rocks
Another fissure
Another fissure
Scuba diving? (more on that later!)
Scuba diving? (more on that later!)
So much color!
So much color!











"Sporting" driving in spots...
“Sporting” driving in spots…







The drive through Thingvellir National Park was my favorite part of today.  We hardly saw it the first time, but this time the sunrise was phenomenal over the layer of fresh snow.  We hiked around for a while taking photos of the colorful sunrise reflected in the water and ice.  (ok, maybe it was mostly ME taking photos… but Jason was there too!)

We tried to go back to Gulfoss but were deterred by the sheer quantity of tour buses and throngs of tourists in the parking lot and instead carried on to Geysir.  I’m very glad that I got to see this in better weather. It was well worth the trip!

Geysir is more spectacular when high wind isn't blowing the eruption off of it.
Geysir is more spectacular when high wind isn’t blowing the eruption off of it.
Sometimes you just have to make other tourists part of your shot.
Sometimes you just have to make other tourists part of your shot.
Thermal pool
Thermal pool
Lots of people lined up for Strokkur
Lots of people lined up for Strokkur
I didn't even see how clear the pools were last time!
I didn’t even see how clear the pools were last time!
Fascinating colors
Fascinating colors
So clear and blue!
So clear and blue!


A rare Icelandic forest
A rare Icelandic forest
View from the top.
View from the top.
You're not actually supposed to hike up there...
You’re not actually supposed to hike up there…
Golden compass.
Golden compass.