After yesterday’s hot and painful hike around the island I wasn’t too keen to go on another one, but our friends asked us if we wanted to go and we couldn’t refuse. Luckily we stayed on the trail and weren’t gone too long! We also got to check out the little bridge that I had seen but had no idea how to get to!

Mangroves by the bridge

This trail cuts across to Booboo beach and then up to the hill.

Bridge from the hill

The geology of the islands lends itself to a ton of caves and along the way we found multiple super deep holes just open from the top. (Yeah, watch where you step…) but one of them had a ladder down! (That’s a no from me…)

Overall this was a really pleasant hike and we saw some really interesting stuff! I also managed to get a lot of nice shots of all of our boats!

Peregrine and Vela

