Not having a plan is pretty much how Jason and I like to run our life… so after my tentative list of random shenanigans ran out in 2015 (see what I did there?) we just decided to wing it on the first day of 2016 and see what we could find.  Having explored by foot pretty much all that we could of Reykjavik, we got into the car and went a little further out of town. (fun fact: pretty much everything is closed new years day…) We ended up at the Grotta Island Lighthouse. Not too far from downtown, but a very quiet place to explore all the way out at the end of the peninsula. We were the first people to make tracks in the fresh snow from the night before.  It looks like at low tide and calm wind you might be able to walk out to the lighthouse, but with waves breaking over the rock wall, we didn’t go anywhere near it! Lovely place to watch the sunrise.

Storm blowing over the lighthouse
Storm blowing over the lighthouse
Rock wall doesn't look that fun does it?
Rock wall doesn’t look that fun does it?
Wispy moody clouds
Wispy moody clouds
Woman out walking
Woman out walking
Sun peeking through the clouds
Sun peeking through the clouds
Sunrise on the beach
Sunrise on the beach
One cold little duck!
One cold little duck!
That's probably a very well built and sturdy light house!
That’s probably a very well built and sturdy light house!
Mt. Esja again.
Mt. Esja again.
Carcass of some large animal
Carcass of some large animal
Maybe a small whale?
Maybe a small whale?
Grass covered in snow
Grass covered in snow
Puffy clouds
Puffy clouds
Black clouds and white snow
Black clouds and white snow
There was snow on the beach.. that seems so wrong...
There was snow on the beach.. that seems so wrong…



I snuck down and played on the beach. I MAY have picked up a few rocks...
I snuck down and played on the beach. I MAY have picked up a few rocks…
The sand here isn't black like it is on the South coast.
The sand here isn’t black like it is on the South coast.
Snow on the seaweed.
Snow on the seaweed.
More sunrise.
More sunrise.

We enjoyed our little pocket of sunshine and then the weather turned back into active snow and wind, so we left the lighthouse and continued on to the other random destinations on our list!