Part of the reason I’m behind on my photo challenge is because I’m traveling for work again.  This time to Hawaii.  (no complaints here!)

We didn’t really have a lot of extra time to explore on this trip.  I was only there for two days and Jessica was there for one, so we went for a little exploratory photo walk after work one day just to get out a little bit before dinner!

Statue of Ghandi
Interesting tree that’s not a palm tree
Fitting on one of the drinking fountains
Quick snap of Jessica’s camera
Another statue at the park
Goals as trash. Irony.
Diamond head crater. The lighting was shit, so I’m not impressed with this one.
Self portrait in Jessica’s sunglasses.
Anna modeling. I’m not even going to ask where this came from.
More trees with people napping underneath
Make America great again. His presidency is going about as well as this sticker.
Macro texture
Macro texture
Someone offered to take our picture! BFF’s!
Waikiki waterfront
A cloud, because why not.
Manhole cover
Clear green water
Waves breaking on the boardwalk
Waterfront hidden by a wall of water droplets.