Next up on our whirlwind tour of Hawaii is Green World Coffee Farm.  This wasn’t even a planned destination, we just happened to see it as we drove by on our way to the Dole Plantation and decided that since we all love coffee that it was worth a stop back by! They didn’t really have a lot there.  I think it was just an excuse to sell bags of coffee and latte beverages, but you know what? that works for me…

Stages of coffee bean processing
Stages of coffee bean processing


Official Green World mugs
Official Green World mugs
Nerd mugs
Nerd mugs
Funny name, but actually the most chocolate flavored coffee I've ever smelled...
Funny name, but actually the most chocolate flavored coffee I’ve ever smelled…
Some sort of coffee brewing device
Some sort of coffee brewing device
Drip brewers
Drip brewers
Their entire building was covered in old coffee advertisements
Their entire building was covered in old coffee advertisements
A cat in sunglasses!
A cat in sunglasses!