Instead of fighting the traffic around the Port Angeles area, we went up to Elwha beach and did a little hike along the water.  I didn’t find any rocks to pick up, but there was a ton of driftwood and only a few other people to contend with!

We drove through the town of Forks to reach our second camp site.  The town is pretty much unchanged aside from a few new hotels and restaurants.  Surprisingly, there are still a few stores dedicated to the Twilight series.

The main drag. very exciting

The camp site that Jason found was fantastic! The location was super private and surrounded by trees and tons of space between the spots.  It was also located near the Hoh River, so we got to go explore that a little bit!

giant tree at our campground

It started to rain on the day we hiked into the area by the Hoh Rainforest (to be expected, I’m not mad about it) but the day after was rainy as well.  Apparently we can’t stand the rain for more than a day still, so we chose to go ahead and head home.

Rain and the ocean along the coast
Yay Washington!

Eventually the rain cleared off a bit and we got some sun when we stopped at La Push to check out the beach.  The coast line here is super rugged.  Makes me appreciate how easy we have it in the Bahamas with our boat!

Because we don’t get the opportunity very often at all, we decided to drive into Westport and pick up some fresh salmon!

fresh donuts

one of the docks

Eventually we made it home and set up our camper in the backyard of some of our friends who live north of Bremerton! We spent the next week seeing more friends and just hanging out!