After a restful night at the truck stop we made our way over the Columbia River and into Ellensburg, WA for a truly excellent breakfast burrito at the Red Horse Diner!

First glimpse of the mountain!

Vintage service station goodness!
super cool inside

From Ellensburg we crossed the Cascade mountains and finally hit some big city traffic…. This is 10 in the morning on a tuesday not even in town. The left lane is barely moving. I don’t miss living here.


Luckily we made our way south with no traffic shenanigans or delays to our home for the next few days: Potlatch State Park.  Potlatch is located on the southern end of the Hood Canal and is one of those places that we’ve driven by multiple times but never actually stopped at.  Truthfully, we’re only staying here because Washington is super popular during the summer and this place had availability! Either way it’s gorgeous down this way and we’re pretty fully in the Olympic Peninsula.  After getting the camper set up, we drove into Olympic National Park to do a little hike along the river.

I want to swim there but the water is waaaay too cold

The hike was pretty short and easy just to get out and stretch our legs after a morning of driving, but it was well worth the 7 mile drive from camp on a gravel road to see.  I’d forgotten how tall the trees are out this way! On our way home from the park we stopped at a little golf course and hit a gigantic bucket of balls each!

Made me laugh

The campground is full hook up so we had power and water to spare! Makes for an extremely comfortable camping experience!