Out in the back of our yard we have a cleanout for our septic system that’s this terrible, ugly, white PVC pipe that sticks up out of the grass.  I put a plastic planter around it so I would hopefully not hit it with the tractor and tried to get wildflowers to grow, but they never did.  Eventually I buried a cheap amazon bird feeder pole and hung 2 bird feeders.  Because I’m cheap sometimes and deserve to be punished, all 3 of those things eventually broke so I decided to start the whole project over and do it correctly!  I left the planter around the clean out pipe because someday I’ll put a real plant in it.  Now I needed a much stronger bird feeder pole! As it turns out, Lowe’s now has a selection of pipe and fittings meant to be used to make things out of and not convey fluids. I made my feeder pole with a tee, pipe, and they even had some nice little hooks that went on the end! Then I needed a way to hold this thing up because burying it in dirt wasn’t cutting it.  We settled on buying a second (much nicer) wood barrel planter and filling it with concrete to set the pole in!

Mom helping!
Waiting for it to set up!

I can’t just have 2 barrels sitting out in the middle of my yard so I decided to add a little flower bed around them both because the birds drop seeds and it’ll turn into a wildflower garden anyway whether I want it to or not!

More pink flags!
Quick and easy with the border stones and my handy rock hammer
Some plants from lowes to get us started
The final product!
Happy little birds with 2 new fancy bird feeders!

I keep digging up wildflowers that I find and planting them in the bed, along with whatever the clearance cart at Lowe’s provides! Eventually it should fill out and be a nice little area for birds and butterflies and pollinators!