So what have Jason and I been up to since we’ve been back in Arkansas and off the boat? A whole lot, but also a whole lot of nothing! It’s been raining a lot so we’ve spent a lot of time inside, hung out with my parents (who were very glad to see us!), and played outside when we could!

Got some more crap hung on the wall in my office, including this season’s Bahamas flag
Got the truck out of the garage and cleaned it all up!
Dewinterized the camper and got her all waxed up for the season’s shenanigans!
More scary thunderstorm clouds
aforementioned scary storms washed out the bridge on our bike ride

Installed a hanging extension cord reel in the garage so I don’t have to right with the cord on the ground anymore
Went thrifting with a friend and got my mom this nice purse for mother’s day that I cleaned up for her!
Bought myself a new house plant to replace the few that died over the winter
Went to a friend’s house and dug up forsythia bushes to start a privacy wall at my house!
Went to the driving range and hit some balls because it’s free so why not?

I’ve been doing a TON of landscaping because the weather isn’t so hot that it’s miserable and the rain made the ground soft and easy to work with! More posts on that later!