From the Snake Cays we headed slightly more north to Warderick Wells. Warderick Wells is famous for the tongue of deep blue water that boats moor in right in front of the Exuma Land and Sea Park Headquarters. The island is also covered in hiking trails, so Jason and I and Chris went for an epic trudge. We started the hike from our boats at the lower end of the island. Surprisingly, the first part of the hike was mostly delicately traipsing between the excessive amount of poison wood trees! Luckily we all escaped unscathed but it was a close call!

Of course we’re all up in the shallow bay!

“Bridge” over the mud shallow

Another major landmark of Warderick Wells is Booboo Hill where boaters leave their boat name at the top of the hill. Over the years the pile of boat names just keeps piling up!

Whale skeleton
The main mooring field

We didn’t want to hike back the way we started because of all the poison wood so we ended up making our way off trail through the island instead. We decided to head towards a pond and skirted the edge of that and the hordes of mosquitoes and finally made our way back to the beach! The hike ended up being a lot longer than intended so we should all sleep well tonight!