We had planned on heading back north to my favorite island at Shroud. (The one with the mangrove river and epic beach!) Unfortunately there was a big wind storm on the forecast so we had two options: hang out in the Exumas for probably another week and a half or head north back to the Abacos. We chose to just call it and go north. It’s getting pretty late in the season now and unfortunately looking like maybe we should start planning our return to Florida. 🙁 our route took us through Eleuthera. We still haven’t made time to explore this place, which is sad because it looks awesome. The first night we stopped at Alabaster Bay on the southern end and the second night we spent up by Spanish Wells where we topped up on food and groceries!
Nothing really noteworthy happened on this part of the trip since we were just moving the boat the entire time. They were long and fairly boring days but they got the job done!  Our weather window to leave Eleuthera and arrive in the southern Abacos was unfortunately really early in the morning. We left our little anchorage at 2 in the morning, which makes this our first night sail! I took the first shift since I wasn’t tired anyway. The stars were super bright and we even had some sparkling bioluminescence off of the boat wake! The wind slowly died off and shifted so we had to motor the last few hours of our trip, but it was uneventful and we got anchored up right around lunchtime!

Morning sunrise
My reward for staying up all night
Dart has a new spot
At least he won’t fall off of it…
Duster has a spot too