Shroud Cay is easily one of my top 3 favorite places in the entire world. The water is so clear it looks like it was poured straight out of a bottle and the sand is so fine and soft that it feels like flour. The island is criss-crossed by shallow, electric blue mangrove rivers filled with turtles and the occasional baby shark.

We wanted to anchor on the south side of the island to avoid the waves from the north however when we arrived we realized the waves were wrapping around the island and we were in for a very uncomfortable night. Our boat only draws 2.5’ so we decided to push it a little bit. The opening to one of the mangrove rivers has a large area just inside of it that we scoped out with the dinghy and then decided to just move into knowing that at low tide our boat would just be sitting on the sand. That’s what we bought her for so might as well give it a shot!

I’m in waist deep water standing next to my boat!
So pleased with himself!
Depth: —-