Jason and I woke up again for the second day in a row early in the morning. We managed to be out of the anchorage and Egg Island just as it was starting to get light outside. No dolphins this morning but we had a flat and pleasant motor south to Fleeming Channel where we made it onto the shallower great bahama bank.

Pretty sunrise clouds

I liked the pink color of the sail with the blue sky

The absolute coolest thing about the bank is that it’s only 10-15’ deep so when the sun is out the water is a bright electric blue. It doesn’t look real, but that’s the Bahamas for ya!

Right by a big coral head!

Norman’s Cay is famous for the drug runner activity that used to happen there and for the crashed drug plane that’s now a popular snorkeling site. We managed to get there and get anchored before dark but it was too windy and cloudy to really be motivated to go snorkel the plane. So sorry, no photos of that!

Quite a few boats in the protected anchorage.
Goodnight Norman!