We pulled the anchor up at first light and headed out the inlet by Little Harbor into the ocean finally on our way South!

The sunlight on the interesting shelf cloud was pretty dynamic
Second Sojourn on her way south also

The best part of the day was a pod of dolphins that came out to play off the bow of our boat as we sailed slowly in the light winds. We’ve had them before but they usually do a few passes and then clear out. This group must have been especially bored because they hung out up there for a while jumping out of the water and swimming upside down in front of the boat!

The dolphins were definitely the highlight of the day.  The sail itself was uneventful but, ironically, slightly frustrating due to lack of wind.  We tried everything: using the new pole to hold the Genoa out away from the boat, and finally rigging up our new spinnaker! But in the end we just didn’t have enough wind to go fast enough to get to our destination before sunset so we gave up and motored the rest of the way.  A few years ago we spent a fantastic week in the town of Spanish Wells at the northern end of Eleuthera island. This time we wanted to make more progress south so we regrettably skipped Spanish Wells and anchored next to Egg Island, a few miles west of town for a quick exit the following morning.

Good night boat!


1 Comment

  1. Emily Edgcombe February 9, 2024 at 2:07 am

    Thank you Onward! We really appreciate your help navigating the shallows by Darby Cut. We love the sailing community the help we can always get when we need it. Your pictures are amazing on your site. We can’t wait to what else you post.