We decided to do a hike while we’re here in Sedona and decided on Boynton Canyon.  This is one of the easier hikes in the area apparently and has an offshoot to a cave called “the subway” that also features Sinagua cliff ruins.  Sounds like a 3 for 1!  The trail itself was pretty easy, which was good because it’s hot here, at elevation, and Jason and I don’t hike a lot.

the subway is inside this split in the rock
The hike up was kind of sketch because it was steep but only like 6′ wide in total
NOW I see why this is such a highly regarded hike!
Walked out to the end
Ruins across the ravine
end of the rock outcropping
you walk along the narrow path on the cliff face to get to the ruins!

Very cool!
hope no one sleep walks!

Not sure if this is original or not, but I like turtles
Person for scale
Look at how colorful this tree trunk is!
This little deer walked up the trail right by us and didn’t give a single shit!
Pretty wildflowers

We lucked out and managed to have the ruins to ourselves for a while before more groups of people showed up.  The hiking in this area is amazing and we barely scratched the surface of it.  I’m not sure if there’s a time of day that you could hike and not have the trails swarming with people though.  Either way, I got to cross “cliff dwellings” off my bucket list!