Jason and I finally got to go break in our shiny new camper!  We ended up at Salt Creek Recreation Area right outside Port Angeles.  By the time we finished our errands in town, the sun was starting to set, so we took the easy route and stayed at a campground.  At least if something with the camper didn’t work, we would at least be somewhere with people and close to town. Fortunately everything worked awesome and we spent the night warm, dry, and cozy!

Salt Creek is known for its awesome tidepools at low tide.  We were there at high tide, unfortunately and didn’t get to see the pools, but the park itself has nice trails!

Ferns with backlighting
I love ferns
Tree covered in moss
Kelp in the ocean

Jason and I were walking around exploring when we noticed a small den of raccoons! Luckily I was already playing with my big zoom lens.  I had fun following them around and taking pictures.  Apparently I now want to be a wildlife photographer!

They have cute little faces

There were 3 of them!
They started playing in the tree

This one was getting ready to jump to the other tree!

They’re very observant

We wandered around and took way too many pictures of raccoons until the sun started to set.  We then made our way back to one of the scenic overlooks.

I liked the silhouette of the rocks

Small island in the bay

Sun star!
Yellow fern
Bright yellow sunset
Kelp at sunset

There is actually a lot of stuff at Salt Creek. We didn’t make it to any of the old forts or tide pools.  I want to come back sometime and check out all of that stuff!