From Petoskey we headed East to Tawas City.  We hadn’t really thought about visiting this area, but we have two good boat friends who live here over the summers and we figured we were too close to not visit!  We parked the camper at Monument campground and explored Tawas City.  The beaches here look like florida only with no salt or sharks and perfect temperatures! I can see why our friends chose this as their summer retreat!

the pier

Looks like south florida to me!

Downtown for some shopping and coffee

Our campground is literally right next to the Lumberman’s Monument so we walked around there and learned about the logging history of the area.  They would log the forests, and then use the river to move the logs downstream to Lake Huron to be shipped away.

The guy in the middle looks like he’s holding an ipad.
log cabin.
This is our friends’ cat Moochy. Named so because she begs for attention from anyone and everyone at all times!