Because it’s super hot outside in Arkansas and we have a shiny new camper we want to utilize, Jason and I planned a road trip north! Our first destination was the Oshkosh Air Show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  It’s the largest air show in the United States and since Jason’s dad and stepmom were headed there we figured we would just tag along and check it out!

But! That’s a 2 day drive from Arkansas, so we headed up to Iowa to the Sugar Bottom Recreation Area and campground.  We spent 2 nights there and relaxed with our camper in the cooler weather and even got to do some mountain biking on the little trail system right off the campground.  Sugar Bottom is located right on Coralville lake but due to various reasons (excuses) we didn’t get our canoe out and paddle it at all.

All set up for relaxation!
Jason made beef stew, one of our camping staples!
Got our bikes out!

We left home a little earlier than we planned because the weather was so hot that we were just sitting around inside the house anyway.  Which turned out to be a great move because we got to the air show a day early and while Jason’s dad saved us a spot, there was a truly insane amount of campers there already!

terrifying thunderstorm. I hate them so much.

I’ve ridden on one of these…

Inside a C17
hey a car!
Our friend’s dad is part owner of this one.
hey a car!
weird gigantic cargo plane with a hinged nose

One of my favorites: the MIG 17