A life of constant travel doesn’t really lend itself to also being able to set up shoots with people like I used to do back in Washington.  The collaboration and creativity was something that I found I really missed so now that that we’re stable again I found a few local Facebook groups and posted up that I was looking for models to shoot with.  One of my responses was a guy named Dinesh asking if I shoot male models.  Well… I haven’t yet, but I might as well give it a go! We met up in downtown Bentonville because there are a lot of fun, colorful murals, interesting alleys, and a nice looking parking garage.  It was my first portrait shoot in a long time so I was a little rusty, but we finally got it figured out towards  the end.  It was my first male shoot, but it probably won’t be my last!

We started our shoot by this awesome yellow and blue mural
trying a tilted shot
Lets try some weird poses
I wanted this alley to work, but it just wasn’t giving me what I wanted. Dinesh looks great though.
Trying some weird angles because why not?
Stairwells are the best

loving my wide angle lens!
I was a little worried he would fall off, but I haven’t lost a model yet! lol
Just hanging out dodging cars

Trying the angles in the stairwell again
Through the railing
Nailed it!
This was a good idea, but we didn’t quite nail it unfortunately.
Love my composition here!
Doesn’t everyone brood in the corner of parking garages?