Everyone knows the joke about the two best days in a boat owners life are the day you buy and the day you sell. I’ve never liked that one. Each boat serves a purpose and I’ve never regretted any of the boats that we’ve had. (Yes, even the big wooden one…) True North allowed us to have a fantastic adventure with my parents, spend 4 months in the Bahamas, and explore the east coast. Anyone who has known us for a while has probably been wondering “what are those crazy kids going to do now?” Jason and I decided that living full time on a boat wasn’t what we thought it would be, but that’s something you have to try to know for sure. So we are selling True North and moving back to land for a while. (Is anyone surprised? No? I didn’t think so…) So, as always… Onward!

I spent days cleaning the boat to list for sale and packing all of our stuff. It’s amazing how much stuff you can still have on a boat and how the little nooks and crannies swallow it up. In the end, True North looks amazing and will probably forever be the nicest boat we ever own!

We finally got all of our boxes of stuff taken to the trailer that Jason’s brother is letting us borrow for our move. Most of our stuff is actually activity related. It’s amazing how much gear we have for camping, diving, fishing, etc etc. The trailer ended up with about a single layer of stuff in it, which is everything we own.

Minimalist living
Loaded and ready to roll!

Goodbye True North!

…and always remember: never drive your boat where the birds are walking.