We spent a few days here at Chub just lounging around in the pool, relaxing on the boat, and eating some of the best food I’ve ever had the privilege of shoving into my face. I would love to stay here again next season!  Since it’s a bit of a resort the surrounding houses are absolutely adorable and I love walking around just looking at them.

There was a tiny church hidden behind the trees

A few miles away from the marina is Turtle Creek which apparently has, surprise, turtles.  Unfortunately, it was way too windy and rough to take the kayaks down and explore it.  Jason and I did go for a little hike to check it out.  The view from the road wasn’t very nice so I didn’t even get a picture of it. There was a small man made cut through to the ocean from the marina that I really wanted to paddle, but didn’t get around to!

The quality of the stores in the Bahamas varies wildly.  Sometimes you get a full grocery store and sometimes you get a few shelves of goods in the back of a shack.  Since this marina is super nice the little convenience store is also pretty nice.  They had all of the basics and some fresh and frozen goods.  The other half of the store was all shirts and souvenirs. We got milk, broccoli, bread, and a sticker for my water bottle!

Food and stuff
So many shirts!

We have to leave here tomorrow morning so we spent part of the day fixing a few small things on the boat and putting things away so they will hopefully not fall over.  Our plan is to head straight to the Exumas!  Then we get to pick where we will spend Christmas! 🙂