I’ve been asked a few times what we do on the boat when we’re not out gallivanting around in the beautiful blue water. Since it’s going to be windy and unusually boring today I’m going to document my entire day so everyone can see what boat life is *really* like.

To start, I didn’t sleep super well because the predicted wind storm rolled in overnight, as they always do. So I got up to check the wind. And then I got up to close the hatches because it started to rain. And then I got up to see how strong the wind was and because I was paranoid that Jason’s foil board blew off of the boat because we didn’t put it away. (This literally won’t happen, but anxiety is a bitch sometimes). Then I finally started sleeping soundly and the sun came up and blasted my face through the tiny bedroom hatch. Ohwell, it was time to get up anyway!

East wind means the boats feathers to the east and the rising sun.
Right where we left it, of course

I set my coffee pot up the night before so it’s ready to just turn on but before I do, I have to turn on the inverter to convert our 12v power system to 120v and then turn on the appropriate breaker on the panel to send power to the outlets.  While coffee is brewing I clean the cat box, clean the cat food bowl, clean up the kitchen usually from last nights dinner, and sweep the floors because Duster likes to scatter litter everywhere.  Then I drink my coffee on the sofa while playing stupid games on my phone.

Boxed milk because we’re out of fresh again
This is my spot. I spend a lot of time here.

Today I actually dragged my laptop out of its spot in the closet so I can finish editing some underwater photos that I took with my real camera. This will take at least a few hours because it gets a little tedious and I procrastinate.

By now Duster is whining for food so I get up and make him a bowl of wet cat food so he will leave me alone.

He’s very alert

I’m still editing photos (there’s like, a lot) but Jason was hungry so he started breakfast, which was chocolate chip pancakes! Since it’s so windy we don’t have plans for fun… might as well make a nice breakfast! Usually we have homemade yogurt with granola and whatever fresh fruit we’ve been able to scavenge from the local markets. (Bananas last week! This week… frozen blueberries if I remember to take them out of the freezer)

I’m spoiled

Our friends Erin and Kara are working on a boat project and asked us if we had any long stainless bolts.  I dig through our “bolt bin” (old kitty litter box full of labeled baggies) and found some so Erin swung by to pick them up so they could get their boat all out back together. (Took all day, as most boat projects do)

It’s now 10:00 and I’m allllllmost done editing photos and  starting to get fidgety so I went and did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen after Jason made breakfast. No dishwasher on the boat so they’re all done by hand.  Not a big deal with only two people unless I get lazy and let it go too long. The sink isn’t that big so there’s a limit to how many dishes can pile up but still not a fun chore.

Finished my photo editing! (Yay!) Now I have to transfer them to my phone so I can upload them to the blog since using my phone as a hot spot for the laptop really doesn’t work that well.  At this point I really need to go do something so I check my giant to do list that I keep in my gray notebook. (Seriously, this thing runs my life)

But why does the list never get shorter??

The mighty notebook indicated that I had some surfaces on the outside of the boat to finish polishing and waxing so I got to work on that for a while.  It’s much easier to keep up in things if I do it one small section at a time.  So I waxed the little step area on the port side.

It’s all shiny now! Yay!

After my unofficial arm workout I laid back down on the sofa and finished up a few more blog posts. When you’re in and out of cell service it’s really easy to get super behind on posting updates! Then I had a leftover chocolate chip pancake for lunch because I’m an adult and I can make bad choices if I want to. 😉 While lounging around (Jason is reading a book) we had a riveting debate about the merits of various boat designs and what we want to do with our lives.  No consensus was reached. Then I had another riveting discussion with Duster where we alternated between him meowing loudly and me yelling “what!” back at him. This happens multiple times a day and I still have no idea what he wants.  I did some more blog updating and then went outside to finish up the waxing on the upper window part of the boat.

One piece at a time and the whole thing will be shiny!

It’s windy but it’s luckily still sunny which means  our solar panels are pumping out the watts! Since we have extra power I turned on the water makers to fill our tanks and did laundry because we have extra water. I’m super happy this boat has a real washing machine. It doesn’t use much power and only uses a little more water than I did last year using buckets.

If the batteries are fully charged, the solar panels turn off, which is a waste.
It lives in this cabinet

Update: did two loads of laundry because we had extra water. It’s all currently outside on the railings getting beat to death by the 20 knots winds.

It’s now 3:00 and I realize I never actually ate any real lunch and am super hungry but we have no food so I’m having yogurt and granola to hold me over until Jason makes dinner in a while. We’ve decided on shrimp fried rice which means I need to get the frozen shrimp out of the freezer so it can thaw. After that I laid in bed playing a stupid game on my phone while procrastinating about exercising until the sun started to set and I decided the laundry was dry enough to bring inside so the wind doesn’t rip it off the railing into the water never to be seen again.

We don’t have a lot of food on the boat right now except for canned stuff because we haven’t gotten to a grocery store in a while.  Jason made chili last night but neither of us wanted that for dinner.  The shrimp didn’t get defrosted but I wanted fried rice anyway so I scavenged an egg, celery, and a slice of onion and made a little single serve helping of egg fried rice!


Jason made, essentially, an Italian grilled cheese with the last of the sandwich bread and mozzarella.  He added some leftover pizza sauce to dip it in!


It’s about time to check the weather.  We pull the updated weather forecast models at least twice a day just to stay informed and see what weather is coming.  Nothing exciting this time.  We have to stay here for a few more days due to strong wind and then we can plan our next move.

Nothing new here

After dinner we assume our positions on the sofa where Jason is working on reading a book and I’m messing with my blog, researching crap on the internet, or playing a game. We didn’t leave the boat all day and I didn’t get any exercise in (dangit!) but I got a lot of cleaning and chores done. Maybe I’ll go write in my journal later. Either way, it was a relaxing day well spent! Thanks for coming along! 🙂