As I’ve whined about before, the arch that goes on the back of the boat to hold the solar panels and pick up the dinghy is pretty much the last thing we need for the boat to be “done”. (they’re never truly done, but that’s a different issue…)  Due to Covid there was a backorder of stainless tubing that Dan at Morgan Metals needed to keep working on our arch.  Well, his metal finally came in and he got back to work!  I’m amazed at what he can crank out in such little time and the skill at which he can duplicate the complex curves of the arch!

We drove down to see the mocked up dinghy lift piece and make sure it was going to work the way that we need it to.  To make things easier, we even tossed (ok…wrestled) the dinghy on top of the 4Runner and took it with us!

Everything is looking fantastic! I can’t wait to see it on the back of the boat!