We’ve been planning to install a large stainless steel arch on the back of the boat to hoist the dinghy up out of the water and to hold our solar panels.  The guy building the arch finally had his schedule clear up enough to start on our boat!  With any luck at all, it could be ready to test fit as soon as this weekend!  However… in order to integrate it with our existing railings, we have to remove them from the boat first.  This is… a giant pain in the ass.  “Luckily” we already had the galley cabinets out of the boat.  Unluckily, a lot of the stainless hardware holding the railings on goes through an aluminum backing plate which means that a lot of it was corroded in place.  We had to cut a few screws in order to get the backing plates off.  The install will be easier because we’re just going to drill a hole and bolt like normal instead of threading the bolts into the backing plate AND having washers.

Half way off

The boat looks super weird now without the mast and boom and now the railings. There’s nothing there! Also, my hands hurt so bad from twisting the big screwdriver.  Going to be sore tomorrow!

We put them under the boat. Also, it’s TRASH DAY!
I get to lay on the galley countertops to get to the backing plates. fun fun for me.

We did all we wanted to do on the railings and it started to get hot, so we turned on the AC inside the boat and did some stuff in there.

Cleaned up the wiring in the battery compartment. It’s now DONE!
Still trying to find the right fittings to attach the relocated strainer to the washdown pump. Maybe tomorrow this will finally go on!

A bit of a side post, but Jason and I needed a break from the boat for a few days to hopefully regain some much needed motivation.  Our friend Ian and his girlfriend Kim were hanging out down south so we drove down there to hang out with them!

We took Ian’s dad’s boat out to play on!
Life advice from a burrito stand.
Abstract water ripples
Jason at sunset
Me and Ian and Kim! Yay friends!
Kim fishing. She caught the most out of all of us.

The next morning we went out to the park and practiced throwing cast nets.  (random things like this always happen when the boys get together.) I did pretty good! 🙂

It was a really nice relaxing weekend with friends!  We needed a break and we got one! Time to get back to work though! 🙂