Jason has spent the last few days up on deck detangling the bag of ropes that we inherited with our boat and putting them where they go.  I’ve been down below starting to organize and put away a lot of the spare parts and things that need permanent storage.

The guest room is starting to look nicer
Neatly packed storage nooks!

I finally figured out something to do with the gaping hole in the side of the cabinet right next to the galley sink.  (That’s where the generator control panel was! Remember that from months ago?) I found what I think might be an old acrylic window piece at Sailor’s Exchange in St. Augustine.  I drilled 4 holes and bolted it on.  Eventually I may mount something else there for quick access on deck, but at least this way the hole is closed and I can move on with my life. 😉

It’s real convenient to throw trash away through that hole though…
Test fit!

Hear a ruckus outside the boat and realized that they were moving another boat in!


Our living room can now safely be considered a boat parts storage area.  I thought I had lost Duster… looked for him for like 10 minutes. Thought maybe he had gotten outside somehow…

Where’s my cat?!
There he is! little shit….

Now that we have a hurricane rolling in, we took some time and cleaned up the area around the boat a little bit.  Today will be spent prepping the boat for the wind that it might see! I’m unreasonably nervous about it.  Last time we lived here we didn’t have anything of value, so a hurricane didn’t matter.  We could just leave and not care.  Now we have a boat that we love. (and she leaks a little bit…) Guess we’ll see what happens!