I’ve been degreasing, sanding, and flaking away old paint on the engine for a few days now.  The bilge (and my hands!) is filthy, but the motor is about as clean as I can make it without taking it out to sandblast.  I hit it with some brake parts cleaner and started masking off the pieces that I didn’t want to paint.

That was after hitting it 3 times with engine degreaser and countless hours with a wire toothbrush.  The original paint is almost 20 years old and corrosion had started to seep underneath it in a lot of places.  The surface isn’t as smooth in some places as I would have liked, but I guess I’ll be happy if it’s not rusty and gross looking anymore!

All masked off and ready to go!

Turbo pipe
Coolant pipe

Everything sat outside on the ladders baking in the sun for a few hours.  Once I get the required O-rings and gaskets, I can start putting my engine back together!