When we’re anchored out in the middle of a beautiful anchorage, we have to have a way to get to shore, run for groceries, or otherwise be able to leave the boat.  That’s where the dinghy comes in! When you’re living on a boat, the dinghy is essentially your car so we had to have one!  Jason scoured the internet and found us a killer deal on a 10′ Achilles 310AX.  It has a lightweight and durable aluminum hull with inflatable sides.  Should be a great boat to tool around in and about as lightweight as possible!

The semi truck it came in couldn’t make it into the apartment complex.
We hand carried it out to where our trailer is. I’m glad it didn’t come in a full wooden crate, just a large pallet.
If we get quarantined at least we’ll have 50′ of bubble wrap to keep ourselves entertained with!
We wrangled it into the living room
All inflated and ready to rock!

So… now we have a boat in our living room! That’s probably where it will have to stay until we get the new arch built for the back of the boat!