Since Jason and I are planning on leaving tomorrow morning, we spent the morning today running errands and prepping the boat to be on her own for a few months! We had a lot of trash and construction debris that always piles up and then we had to tie everything down and take all of the canvas off the outside.  She should be good to go for anything short of a super strong hurricane!

I took some pictures of her “final” state after 6 months of work.  It’s looking a lot better, but it’s also super cluttered since we can’t store anything where it’s supposed to go.  We’re still waiting on the arch to get built and installed, so we can’t store anything in the lazarettes because we need to get in there for the install.  We also can’t store anything in the aft cabin because the boatyard will need access to that to reinstall the shaft.  So… the boat’s a mess still but she allllmost looks like people live there!

Using the table to rebuild the cockpit table
The nav station is our official “horizontal stacking area”
There’s a master bed underneath the spare mattress, canvas top, solar panels, and fiberglass roll.
Fishing stuff and more canvas in the aft bedroom
The aft head is essentially a large toolbox…
We have no idea how to get the cushions to fit…
Dinghy and other crap tied up on deck!

Hopefully hurricane season just misses Jacksonville.  I’m going to worry about the boat the entire time we’re gone!