Jason’s family has been going to Bull Shoals Lake since I first met him. We even went down and camped in a tent with them a few times in college, but since we’ve been gone for so long we haven’t been to the lake in a loooooong time.  Since we’re practically local now we decided to join them at the campsite for a few days to hang out.  Jason went fishing with his dad on his new boat a few times while I talked Mary into drinking coffee with me in the camper.  We had hot dogs and camp fires and a great time!  We didn’t camp in our new tent on the Jeep because they have a real camper with a heater and everything that was a much more comfortable experience but we did get to show off the Jeep a bit!

Our first gravel road detouring around a single wide that was stuck in a ditch
We made it!
Tent camping neighbors
Some little perch under the dock
Needed a bigger fire!
Everyone was there!
Aunt Sissy’s dog Tater
I woke up early enough to catch the sunrise and then made myself to get my real camera!
Fog on the lake

This is a gigantic sun dial!

Fall colors
what a cool Jeep!
Lake is pretty clear
Leafless shrubs by the water line

Flock of vultures

standing alone

Fishing boat through the sun dial

This was my favorite boat. It was cute.

first sailboat I’ve seen in a long time
Mary carved pumpkins for halloween

Goodnight lake!