While I was still up in Haines, Alaska with the photography workshop we woke up on our last day early to shoot the sunrise.  It was low tide, so there were tide pools and our goal was to catch a nice colorful sunrise with reflections of the mountains in the pools.

I set myself up with a trio of rocks forming a line that I thought looked nice and waited! The sunrise didn’t end up having a ton of color, unfortunately, but I had a magenta filter on my lens, so I’m happy with what I got!

Low angle
Haines before sunrise
Jim, probably with wet feet.
The crew
Haines looking more awake!
Sun dog reflection
First rays of light hitting Haines and the mountains

I like the triple view of the sun!
A closer view of Haines
Sun is up now…
Reflections in the pools
Jackie shooting something
Bryan throwing rocks again
One of the Dahlias that Tanya “borrowed” for art purposes