I feel like I should point out that until this trip, the only bears I’ve seen were tiny black bears running across the road… like twice. Somehow I’ve never been to Yellowstone National Park and I guess I don’t go hiking enough.  So being up close to so many grizzly bears was pretty much terrifying and amazing! These bears were well-fed and ready for winter, but I’m still glad I was there with people who know about bears otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten any pictures because I would have been watching from the safety of the car…

Either way, it was epic to see them so close and so many times.  We literally followed the bears up and down the river until we were all pretty much bored of shooting grizzly bears! (that was a LOT of shooting!) There were also bald eagles everywhere, but we have those all over Washington, so they weren’t nearly as entertaining for me!

Shot through the trees because I didn’t have enough zoom to actually get the bear

Mama bear fishing
Got one!

One of my fav shots
I like the inclusion of the fireweed and rock

Bryan scouting.

The cubs weren’t nearly as good at swimming
black and white because art reasons
Bear butts

Dont know what he was running from

Caught another fish
Mom eats first

Stole a bite of fish
yay more fish!