The plan was to drive to Carcross, however the fog and lighting along the river was too good so we chose to drive up the river a bit and see if any good photographs appeared! The blanket of fog was even thicker up the river and I got quite a few shots with reflections in the water.

silhouette of the mountains
Yellow red and green

This part of the river is used for float planes to take off and land and the bank is lined with float plane docks.

Nice puddle beside the road
This is the most Southern thing I’ve ever seen….
Yellow plane taxi-ing for takeoff!

Red kayaker. I bet this is a beautiful paddle.
Taking off

We ended up stopping one more place before actually leaving for Carcross.  This was the overlook above Miles Canyon where Jason and I went hiking earlier in the week.

Fog filtering through the trees
A “sun dog” as they’re called I think.