One thing that caught our eye when Jason and I first arrived in the Yukon was the small town of Carcross. Originally known as “caribou crossing”, the town of Carcross is an old hunting and fishing camp for the Tlingit and Tagish people. It’s now a cute little town by the river with a small center featuring local art shops and a cafe (with really darn good coffee!).  We drove out here for the day even though, spoiler alert, I end up going back here with the photography workshop later!

Mural on the wall of the coffee shop

Totem pole and more murals

One main attraction in Carcross is the old steamboat, Tutshi.  It apparently used to be a complete boat but most of it burned up a few years ago.  They did a pretty good job of salvaging it and making it interesting still.

The wheel
Unimaginative graffiti
I bet she was pretty before the fire
View from the river
Small river boat pulled up on the bank
Old train
The Duchess
This is for you, Lawrence.. 😉

Downtown general store.
Boarded up for the off-season
Cute little row of bird houses on the roof
Old post office
Pink and blue
Railroad bridge
What one local lady called “the best beach in the Yukon”. I’m sure it is, but I still don’t want to get in the water!
Another bridge shot
Along the bank with a red house
Building details
Old orange door
“Retirement home”
Moose antlers
Another train
A green one!
Front of an old church
Front of an old church