I just returned from a week of training at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.  I’ll admit I have never really even thought about Wisconsin other than I know they’re into cheese.  It was actually way more interesting than I thought it would be!  Madison is located right on a gigantic lake (with sailboats! tons of tiny sailboats!) that is lined with gorgeous old Victorian houses.  The campus itself is equally gigantic.  I went to some pretty small colleges.  This felt like I was in a movie about being in college and it wasn’t actually real.  Most of the buildings were old and brick with ivy growing up the sides and students lounging around in the grass reading or playing sports.  Unfortunately, my class took up most of the day every day and for some reason, everything in town closed at 5-6 so I didn’t get to explore nearly as much as I would have liked to!

A sailing class coming back to the dock
Some ducks
This building looked like a castle!
Skyscrapers because it’s actually a real city!
Fire escape in an alley
I love alleys
Another shot of the same alley
Church windows
Into the sun
Another shot of the tower
Harley Davidson!
People eating and hanging out to watch the sunset
Sunset on the lake

Good night, ducks!
This guy actually caught a really big fish! I don’t know what it was. Probably a lake mackerel.

I realize now after going through all of my photos that I had planned out a few shots I wanted to get of the Capitol building and around campus at sunset… but those never happened.  My class went until after 5 each day and by then all I wanted to do was meet up with people for dinner and then go to bed! It’s actually kind of a shame! I guess I’ll just have to weasel another trip back out to Wisconsin for photos and some more of their delicious cheese!