I’ve been so busy all summer that I haven’t really gotten out just to wander around and take pictures lately!  That all changed when my friend Yuli got a new camera.  She wanted to go play with her new toy and it didn’t take much arm twisting to set up a photo walk up in Port Townsend!  There was a door that she had seen and wanted a picture of.  If I’ll drive into the Oregon desert for milkshakes we can sure as hell drive up to PT for a picture of a door and some cinnamon lattes!

Green table with red barrier
Detail in the wood on the side of one of the buildings
I like this park bench and Yuli’s red shoes
We found a steampunk store!
wait, what?
Yellow flowers against blue wall
Black and white, but not.
I love these old bottles
I have enough on my window sill already…
Layers of chainlink
Painted brick in the background
Birdhouse on a post
Red berry things.
Red against teal

I love the weathered copper plating
What a fancy drainage…box?
The old ferry pier
Yellow flower against red paint

Cat in a hat
Angry birds
I bought a prism to play with but it wasn’t bright enough to work so I got a weird portrait of Yuli instead.
Sea glass on charcoal