A few weeks ago my facebook feed was alight with photographers twittering about the cherry blossoms… where to shoot them, how to shoot them, pictures of them, etc.  Recently, there hadn’t been anything about it, however apparently it just wasn’t quite spring yet down here in Port Orchard.  We just had a solid week of warm and sunny weather so the plants decided that it was time to come out and play.  My yard looks amazing and all of my trees and  plants are blooming. Time to get shooting!

I have one fairly small cherry tree in my front yard.  It’s pretty fantastic this year!

Here are some shots of a few of my other plants.  There’s a nice red Japanese maple and some flowers mom put in last week.

I also decided to plant two large (ok, larger.. I can’t afford big ones!) decorative cherry trees on the side of the house.  They started blooming as well! The flowers on this one are bright pink, compared to the lighter and more subtle pink of my real cherry tree.