While the weather in Hawaii was definitely warmer than Washington, it wasn’t necessarily less rainy or cloudy.  For mom’s last night with me, we decided to walk down to the water and see if maybe the sun wouldn’t peek out at the last minute and give us a beautiful sunset.

Looking back towards Waikiki at dusk
The pier
Statue with high rises behind.
I like how the tree almost looks like another breaking wave behind the guy surfing
This was pretty much the true color of the sunset… no pink or purple to be found.


We didn’t end up having any luck for the sunset.  The sun just stayed behind the clouds and slowly just…left.  However, we were still at the beach and I didn’t drag my stupid tripod down there for no reason, so I shot anyway!  For the following photos I thought it would be neat to play with different types of color grading to see if I could make them more interesting with color and see if I could convey a different mood.  Maybe it worked?

black and white
Blue hour lighting

One technique I really wanted to try this trip was a super long shutter speed to blur the watery waves almost into a haze.  There were a few issues with this… one is that I had to have a filter that almost acted like sunglasses on my lens otherwise the photo would have been too bright.  However, I don’t have a filter in the size I need so I used an adapter and this spaced it away from the front of the lens and I got a huge black ring around every photo.  Guess I get to practice it again sometime… Overall I got a few photos that I think are pretty neat looking, even if they weren’t really what I was going for.

A dude walked into my shot. meh.
And here’s my masterpiece…

So obviously we’re out at sunset, so we got to walk back in the dark…  I love taking night shots, so mom had to put up with me stopping all the time to take pictures of streetlights and cars randomly.  I tried some different editing techniques with these as well!

Blue and orange
Cheeseburger in Paradise! I didn’t actually eat here this time. Sad!
Pink and teal street lights
Dueling crosswalks
I like the lighting on this one
I like how the pattern of the windows on the building mirrors the crosswalk