Like I said in the last post, I usually spend my work trips aimlessly wandering about and trying to find interesting things to shoot.  It’s more of an exercise in how to see interesting subjects and use what’s available and make it cool.  On this particular walk we found a little shopping center hidden in between the massive hotels.  It was full of little shops and,  most notably, a vintage telephone museum.  I never made it back over, but next time I’m bringing my macro lens for sure, because I love old stuff… and you know anyone managing a telephone museum is going to be entertaining to talk to!

My hotel patio again
Pigeon that really wanted our food
Row of balconies
Vintage fire hose station. (does this count as work related? can I get overtime?)
Old and new
Down the alley
Dole for everything
I really liked the lines at this corner, but never found a way to make a cool photo of it.
This picture reminds me of cotton candy
Mural of a peacock. I love peacocks.
Statue. There was an attached museum for the Queen’s Guard or somesuch
Fruit. This makes me want a smoothie
Cool little teal scooter
Guy feeding pigeons
Guy coring a pineapple to pour a smoothie into it. I would have gotten one but they were like $10 each.
We found a vintage telephone museum!
I meant to go back here, but I didn’t make it. Next time for sure!
Mickey phones!
Cars at night