I seriously never expected to go to Japan 3 times in this short of a timespan. Either way, AWESOME! I really do love it over there and it’s a nice break from work.  Technically I still have to work, but the view is different. So way better! This time we went back to Sasebo and my good friend Jessica got to come as well! Epic Shenanigans ensued!

Rust in the shape of a heart. How romantic?
Rust in the shape of a heart. How romantic?
Well that just about sums it up.
and in complete contrast to the rust and graffiti, we have beautiful gardens of roses....
and in complete contrast to the rust and graffiti, we have beautiful gardens of roses….
Heading into the mall
One of the many tiny little motorcycles that I wanted to steal and toss in my luggage...
One of the many tiny little motorcycles that I wanted to steal and toss in my luggage…
Under construction
Lucky kitty!
Lucky kitty!

History of Lucky Kitty

Statue in the park
Statue in the park
More graffiti. I really like taking pictures of graffiti for some reason.
Paper lanterns
Paper lanterns
More paper lanterns. Really a contrast between these and the neon signs everywhere.
Cool mannequin head in a store in the mall.
Cool mannequin head in a store in the mall.
Dollars okey!
Welcome to Sasebo.
Welcome to Sasebo.
On the bridge over the highway
Random nurse mosquito painted on a wall....
Random nurse mosquito painted on a wall….
Guy on a wall
light post and signs
light post and signs
Street signs.
Looking down the street at dusk
Looking down the street at dusk
Don’t know what this says. Maybe “one way”? It’s a good thing I don’t drive here….
The church off the main street in Sasebo. Looks a little out of place.
The church off the main street in Sasebo. Looks a little out of place.
Looks like the Seattle Viaduct… We were on our way to the train station.
Abandoned baseball bat.  There were boys playing soccer every time we walked through the park.
Abandoned baseball bat. There were boys playing soccer every time we walked through the park.
Seattle’s best? really, japan?! That swill isn’t even decent in Seattle… MEH
Building with the Sasebo Top painted on it. Apparently the tops are a local thing.
Building with the Sasebo Top painted on it. Apparently the tops are a local thing.
Sweet Skyline! I saw it parked there and couldnt help myself.
Best "lost in translation" of the trip.  On the wall of a sporting goods store.
Best “lost in translation” of the trip. On the wall of a sporting goods store.
Doesn’t everyone need an alpaca humidifier? This store had an amazing assortment of random stuff….Too bad I was already at the weight limit of my luggage….
Interesting looking building
Interesting looking building

 I suppose I promised epic shenanigans… but really, aside from our day trip to Nagasaki (in a different post!) Jessica and I just wandered around town looking at things and people watching and of course gorging ourselves on sushi and other tasty treats. They have this cake that’s layers of crepes with custard in the middle. It’s my favorite. Also have an addition to the sports drink Aquarius. So tasty. I don’t even know what flavor it is, just that I want more of it!

1 Comment

  1. Lawrence Mecklenburg January 26, 2014 at 10:25 pm

    Hey Ashley!

    Finally got a chance to look at your Sasebo pics and loved em!

    Alpaca humidifier? Never seen that one before!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Lawrence, 27 Jan 2014