I pretty much forgot that it was Easter sunday because our friend Ian came up to visit again. Our plans involved driving the 3+ hours up to Neah Bay to go spearfishing.  So I suppose instead of Easter eggs, the boys were hunting down fish instead! (a slightly more challenging pursuit all around…)

I didn’t feel like swimming so I took my camera for a romantic walk on the beach. Ended up using practically every lens in my bag at one point or another.

River flowing out to the ocean
Wider shot of the river and the large tree stump I couldn’t get over to shoot.
I liked this moody bridge with the super clear water
Storm rolling in
Big wide angle clouds
Stump and driftwood
Colorful beach boulders
It definitely got dark and rainy. I cowered under this tree and then ran to the truck.
More rain
Almost to the Pacific
A different shot of that same bridge. I killed quite a few hours wandering around in the same spot
Sand texture
drainage lines
Mossy rocks
So green

Shooting into the sun because I can
More of that same pink flower
Poof flowers
Rock stacks
Pretty neat structure
Nice golden lighting
Log bridge crossing. I didn’t try it.
“Screaming log”
Blue shell. I don’t usually see shells out here on the beach, and this one was even attractive!
Macro shot of the poof flowers. I think they’re some sort of weed.
Even more macro!
I like this shot. I managed to get the blue sky background.